Income For Child Support Purposes
The Arizona Child Support Guidelines refers to income for child support purposes as “Gross income includes income from any source, and may include, but is not limited to, income from salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, dividends, severance pay, pensions, interest, trust income, annuities, capital gains, social security benefits (Subject to Section 26), workers compensation benefits, unemployment […]
May I move from my residence with the child? (A.R.S. §408)
A. If by written agreement or court order both parents are entitled to joint legal decision-making or parenting time and both parents reside in the state, at least forty-five days’ advance written notice shall be provided to the other parent before a parent may do either of the following: 1. Relocate the child outside the […]
What can I do if my spouse (or former spouse) is violent? (A.R.S. §13-3602)
A City Court Judge or Justice of the Peace in Justice Court can issue an Order of Protection to prevent your spouse or former spouse from harming you or your children. A Superior Court Judge may also issue an order of protection. If a Petition for Dissolution has already been filed then the Order of […]

Holiday Parenting Plans
At this time of year, holiday parenting time becomes a very important issue for divorcing couples. In Arizona, when there are children involved in a divorce case, the court requires that the parents have a written parenting plan. Parenting plans must satisfy certain statutory requirements and one of those requirements is a holiday schedule. The […]
What is marital waste? Marital waste is essentially disposing of a marital asset to the detriment of the marital community. In Arizona, the statute governing marital waste is A.R.S. 25-318(C) stating as follows: C. This section does not prevent the court from considering all actual damages and judgments from conduct that resulted in criminal conviction […]